
Out of Action.

Beat Poet is available @f-t
....as of tomorrow another internet distraction I may need to avoid (to save for travels)...

I haven't been very active on here. I have been socialising (birthday weekends), reading mags/books/web and working on photo projects. 

There are so much distraction in my so called rountine at the moment.
I can't help but keep on buying loads of zines and reading all kinds of books when I am not freelancing and scanning the web, which leaves me too  exhausted to do anything here. 

The last zine I bought was acne paper and it is so good....I still need to get the new Oyster too. Apparently the editorial spreads are amazing, that is the word on the street. Oh I also got a copy of Selector Mag, last week which is really nice for a free zine (thx to 2T for the tip - I skipped lunch to pick up a copy). 

From reading so many zines and scanning various corners of the web, makes me very distracted and the urge to splurge is sometimes all too great. Sometimes I think Google's contextual ad targeting is just a little too ingenius and borderline evil.

If I wasn't going to NY, I would so be here! OM DIET Butcher Slims.

Why do I always find things when I can least afford it.... damn you temptation. 
I actually don't feel the need to buy anything now days in shops but scanning the web has become a bit dangerous. 
Lucky for me, I am going through the uniform phase where minimalism reigns and im not after variety in my wardrobe... I am still thinking about finding an online clothes swap place. If you know of any decent ones, holler please! 

There are so many books I want to read still.... how am I going to find time to do everything.
These are 2 books high on my to read list.
Michael Fried - Why photography matters as Art as Never Before. - My friend who is currently studying at the SCA mentioned this title to me last week, I was immediately intrigued when he was referencing Jeff Wall for one of his essays. 
Oh I read this book about the Brooklyn Hiphop scene by Push a few weeks ago too and it really bought me to my love of hiphop again and my friend Radge recommended this title to me, it looks delicious as well. 

I think I am going to visit the library this week to see if I can find these titles =)

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